By Vinod Makwana


Saturday, November 3, 2007

Definitions of host computer

A central computer, such as a mainframe computer at a company’s headquarters or central office. The central computer in a star

The mainframe computer in a WAN.
Also called the development computer, the host computer runs the debugger in a two-machine debugging scenario. Most often, the host computer is also the computer on which the KEXT is being developed. See also two-machine debugging; target computer.
The source for an application or media. Live Channel turns your computer into a streaming host for other "clients" to connect

Refers to the computer at the processor that is dialed for authorization and

The primary controlling computer in a multiple computer system. the term is normally used for relatively more powerful or large computers.

The primary computer in a multi-computer network. The unit issues commands, has access to the most important data, and is the most versatile processing element in the

A computer that performs central processing for a telecommunications

In a data communications system, a main computer that is connected to several devices (such as terminals or personal computers)

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